
Palestine 1492: A Report Back
Wild Ox Books (October 2024)
Chiapas and Palestine: Together and Side by Side
(an interview with Sylvia Marcos) NACLA Report on the Americas (Winter 2024, Vol 55:4, pages 442-447)
A War Where All Wars Fit
(with Mohamed Abdou and Pablo Seward Delaporte) NACLA Report on the Americas (Winter 2024, Vol 55:4, pages 375-381)
To Exist is to Resist ¡Viva Palestina Libre!
(with Sara Awartani, Pablo Seward Delaporte, and George Ygarza), NACLA Report on the Americas (Winter 2024, Vol 55:4, pages 351-355)
Municipalism: A Critical Review
(with Haley Roeser, Dani Knoll, and Eleanor Finley), Los Angeles For All (April 2023)
“We Are Equal Because We Are Different”: A Zapatista Women’s Proposal
University of Notre Dame Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Peace Policy: Solutions to Violent Conflict (May 2022)
The Dominant World’s Life-Commodity-Competition Model
Capitalism Nature Socialism 32:3 (September 2021)
Reparations toward the End of the World
The Funambulist (June 2020)
Art of War, Art of Resistance: Palestinian Counter-Cartography on Google Earth
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 104: 3 (September 2014)
Law as Tactic: Palestine, the Zapatistas, and the Global Exercises of Power
Badil, Issue No.55 “The Paradox of Using the Law of the Oppressor” (Winter 2013-2014)
When the Carob Tree Was the Border: On Autonomy and Palestinian Practices of Figuring it Out
Capitalism Nature Socialism 24:3 “Bridging Indigenous and Socialist Perspectives” (July 2013)
Israel and Mexico Swap Notes on Abusing Rights
Electronic Intifada (May 21, 2013)
The Zapatista Experience: Rebellion, Resistance, and Autonomy
by Jérôme Baschet (September 2024); with Traductores Rebeldes Autónomos Cronopios
Zapatistas, Women, and Gender Dissidents: On the Encounter in Notre Dame des Landes
by Daliri Oropeza (August 2021)
The Walk of the Zapatista Caracol
by Raul Romero (February 2020)
Indigenous Communities Create a Block against the Trans-Isthmic Project in Mexico
by Daliri Oropeza (September 2019)
Resistance, Spirituality, and Self-Actualization through Other Calendars and Other Geographies
by Alberto Vallejo Reyna (March 2018)
Reconceiving Rights: An Analysis on Their Declarations, Proposals and Demands
by Sylvia Marcos (March 2018)
The Zapatista Women’s Revolutionary Law as it is lived today
by Sylvia Marcos (July 2014)